Release of Source Code of Subatomic Particle Visualiser

Well, this is kind of embarrassing. In October, I implemented the GNU Scientific Library as part of the science project I mentioned in the previous post. Since I was working towards an actual deadline, I guess I was too hurried to thoroughly check what licence the GSL uses. Apparently, I assumed it was licensed under the LGPL, which many GNU libraries tend to be. However, it is actually under the much more restrictive GPL, which forbids me from distributing it combined with any proprietary programme. The code given by the Source SDK for the server DLL (the only thing I actually modified) counts as proprietary, since it is distributed under a licence that forbids selling. Therefore, while experimenting with the two pieces of software together is fine, if I were to distribute my compiled server library, I would be in breach of the GPL.

Therefore, the long and the short of it is that my only option is to distribute my code and the GNU Scientific Library on their own, and let you, the user, actually compile it. To that end, here is an archive containing my code plus the GSL code, in a directory structure that will let it fit right into a fresh download of the Source SDK, plus instructions for getting it up and running:
It is currently designed to compile only on GNU/Linux. A Windows version will be made in the coming days.
Here is a game directory to put in your SteamApps/SourceMods folder:
Once you put it there, don't forget that you need to add in a bin folder, with the libraries compiled from the source code. They can be found in "sp/game/mod_episodic/bin" and "sp/game/vigov_simulator/bin", under the Source SDK directory structure.

I apologise for not being able to release a compiled game. In order to do so, I would need to either pick a different game engine or a different mathematical library (or write the code myself...). I may do one of those in the future.

